October 6, 2008

Beyond the Spin: Before You Vote...Check Here

Political Spin

Cartoon from Cartoonstock.com)

There are two very important considerations that a well-informed Christian needs to take into consideration before he or she votes:

  1. What biblical principles apply to the relevant issues surrounding the presidential election. This requires the development of a comprehensive and coherent worldview grounded in good theology and good logic.
  2. A knowledge of the facts.

Cutting through the thicket of political spin, distorted facts, and half-truths (in other words, lies) is a daunting task. We are busy with jobs, families, and ministry responsibilities. We are not experts in everything and in most instances we are not sure who is an expert on a given subject or where to look for the truth.

Fortunately, there are places to go for the truth. One of the best is FackCheck. Check it and the facts out before you vote.


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