March 19, 2009

Texting God


By Kari Mosbacker (you can read Kari’s blog (Karied Away) at:  Yes, she is my daughter!  :-)


Well, I thought it was about time that I get into this blogging thing. I started out with Twitter, which allows me to participate in "microblogging". It's been a great way for me to share my daily thoughts with others and connect to a community of followers in my local area and around the world. If you have a Twitter account you can follow me at I decided I would finally jump into the world of "grown-up blogging", so here I am. I'm not sure exactly what it will look like or how I will even have enough thoughts to fill up pages, but I figure I'll take up my little piece of cyberspace to share some of my thoughts...

God and texting. These two things may seem to have nothing in common with each other what-so-ever. In a literal sense that may be true, but today I realized that they have so much more in common than I ever took time to notice.

When I got back from class today, I ate my 3-times-a-week bagel from Einsteins (bacon, egg, & cheese on honey whole wheat--greatest meal ever invented), and then I decided to take a nap on this National Napping Day. I was sleeping very well, had a very in depth dream, but then I woke up abruptly thinking that my phone had made that little noise that indicated that I had received a text message. This happens often and I think that most everyone can identify with this. It almost seems as if we are all programmed to hear our phones go off no matter what. It may be the strangest phenomenon in the world today. I bet most of us will admit that we not only hear our phones go off from any room of the house (even if it's on vibrate), but probably even in a raging tornado. We have subconsciously tuned and strained our ears to listen for every pitiful little sound that comes from that little device that seems so essential to life. I may not hear my mom yell at me from the kitchen, but you better believe that when the music is blaring, the hairdryer is on, and my phone is in another room in between the couch cushions, I'll hear it.

I believe the reason we are so in sync with our cell phone sounds is because we have learned to anxiously wait for it. We know that when we hear that beep, it means that someone out there has taken the time to write us a personal message. They have taken the time to ask us a question, pay us a compliment, or to just chat. Though it may seem silly to think about, everyone deep down has to admit that hearing that beep and receiving a personal message makes us feel really great.

Texting has also become an essential part of our everyday lives. It has become necessary for businesses, fast communication, blogging, social networking, and even relationships. I was once in a short relationship in which I only interacted with the guy occasionally face-to-face and through text messaging. Not one single phone call ever. (Hey guys, how 'bout a friendly phone call every once in a while :)) Without a doubt it has revolutionized how things are accomplished in our world today.

As I woke up from my great nap today, sure that I had received a text message while I was asleep (to my disappointment I had imagined the entire thing), I suddenly realized: Why don't I ever text God?? Now let me be clear, I do not mean to say that in any way that seems trivial or that dumbs-down the importance of the Lord by comparing him to a text message, but I think that it is an interesting connection to make. What if I were to spend as much time in contact with my Savior as I do with my friends? How would my life be different? Sure, it's easy to pray to the Lord right when I wake up in the morning or right as I'm drifting off to sleep when my mind is the most empty that it will be all day, but what if I really stayed in conversation with the Lord all day. What if I were to take the time to send him messages like I do with all of my other relationships? What if I were to send him an "I love you", "Thanks for everything you do", "I really need help with this, can you please help me today?" "I'm sorry that I said that, will you forgive me?" "I'm really busy, but I'm going to make some time for you, when can we get together?" "I'm lonely today, where are you?" And how awesome would it be if we learned to listen for him like we do for that faint little beep from our cells!! If we listened for an "I love you too", "I forgive you", "I will never leave you!" like a little vibration on our hearts.

I'm so happy that I woke up this afternoon thinking I had a text message. Just last night I was thinking about how so often I only pray to the Lord a few times a day and how I needed the Lord's help to keep me in contact with him all day. Thinking about prayer this way makes it seem so much more manageable to be in constant communication with our Lord no matter what! If I can take time to text message friends 30 or more times a day, I can certainly speak to my Savior just as much and hopefully more.

I pray that you and I would learn to "text" our Lord more often. After all, we have unlimited texting.
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

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